Josh Cottrell
Josh Cottrell has recently gained a steady following after being featured in Knoxville, Tennessee's Market Square Summer Concert Series (2015), as well as gaining a spot on one of the extremely popular Alex Rainbird Music YouTube compilations. The 27 year-old, Knoxville native loves to tell a story with his music."Love, heartbreak, and relationships are all universal topics." He said, "It's easier for me to write songs about those things, things I've felt or personally experienced, but recently, I have been pushing myself to start thinking outside of the box. On this latest album, I was creating characters and perspectives completely separate from myself."
That effort was definitely reflected in the 2017 album "Making My Own Way." Songs like "The Captain" and "Lie to Me" take a step outside the songwriter's perspective and create an enticing world of their own. Josh is currently working on his first cover EP called 'Under the Covers', due to be released soon. Fans can expect a unique take on crowd favorites like "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift and "Issues" by Julia Micheals. Listeners can find Josh's music on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and other digital music outlets. You can also catch Josh on his Facebook live series, "Josh Ruins Pop Songs"; follow his Facebook page to stay informed.